mercredi 27 mai 2015

Food Photography: Techniques For Stunning Photos

By Elwood Sulikowski

Whether you are taking photographs of culinary items for your blog or you're doing it for a living, performing food photography is an art that requires an individual's creativity and artistic talent. The way you photograph food will have a big influence on your reputation as a food photographer, therefore it is important to be aware of a few tips and techniques that will help you shoot better pictures.

Like any other areas of photography, shooting good pictures of food requires the right lighting techniques. In food photography, among the things you should avoid are highlights and shadows. In order to achieve this, you're going to need a light source that is soft - natural light is still the best bet. If you're going to use flash, make sure you make use of softboxes, diffusers, or umbrellas.

Making use of a shallow depth of field is also important in food photography because it helps your audience to easily identify what your photo is all about. In your camera setting, this means using a wider aperture in order to have everything except the main subject blurred. Another important tip is to always use a tripod and a remote shutter release to ensure tack sharp photos all the time.

In food photography, taking photos of food in different angles can help you achieve a different kind of perspective, detail, or emphasis. This is something you can experiment on to see which one will give you the most dramatic or stunning effect. Try to avoid shooting down on your subject and start shooting from table level in order to give life to your photos.

It is also recommended that you properly choose the correct white balance setting in your camera depending on the lighting conditions you are faced with. Different light conditions will require a different white balance setting in order to ensure a correct color cast. Food photography enthusiasts will often recommend that you shoot in RAW mode so you don't have to bother about setting white balance since you'll be able to change it during post processing.

If you want to become a professional in the field of food photography, you should consider making an investment in high quality lenses and accessories that will help you take better photos each and every time. Of course your technical skills and artistic talents can never be replaced by better equipment - they work hand in hand in helping you create the best photos possible.

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